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Bibliography of the Natural and Political Observations.

gewerbe, vermeh-|rung, lufft, kranckheiten, und besondere veran-|derungen betreffend. | Anfangs | in Englischer sprache abgefasset, | und ofttermals durch den druck herausgegeben | vom | Capitain Johannes Graunt, | Mitgleid der Konigl. Societ. | nun | aber | um des grossen nutzens willen, der dem gemei-|nen wesen Teutschlands insgemein, und iedes orts | insonderheit aus solchen todten-registern zu-|wachsen kan, | ins Deutsche übersetzet. | [Woodcut.]

Leipzig, bey Thomas Fritschen, | 1702.

Title, 1 l., Vorrede des Ubersetzers (sic), 2 ll., Zuschriften Graunts, 4 ll., Vorrede des Autoris, 1 l., Register, 4 ll., pp. 1—112, 1 folded table, 12°.——The translator was Dr Gottfried Schultz of Breslau. See p. 318 note.

Note: Graunt did not write the "Reflections On the weekly Bills of Mortality For the Cities of London and Westminster and the places adjacent: But more especially so far as they relate to the plague... London: Printed for Samuel Speed, at the Rainbow in Fleet street. 1665." This pamphlet was issued in two editions, both in quarto. All that is of value in either of them was filched from Graunt, but their compiler appears to have drawn liberally from his own imagination also. They were promptly denounced as spurious by John Bell, clerk to the Company of Parish Clerks, in his "London's Remembrancer" issued in the same year. Cf. pp. xliii, 426.