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Account (An) of several new inventions. See Hale, T.

Account (An) of the founding of the Royal Hospital. See Wilson, T. Acta eruditorum. Lipsiæ, 1687. 525.

Additional MSS., British Museum, xiv, Iv, lvi, 9, 123, 236, 412, 547, 630.

Akerman, J. Y. Monies received and paid for secret services of Charles II. and James II. London (Camden Society), 1851. xxix.

A[lbigony], W[illiam]. The present state of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. The second edition. London, 1671. 253.

Album studiosorum academiæ Lugduno Bataviæ. Hagæ Comitum, 1875. xiv.

Archæologia; or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. London, 1770 etc. 186, 236.

Aristotle. Metaphysica, ed. Schwegler. Tubingen, 1847. 9.

Ashmole MSS., Bodleian Library. lxxxii, lxxxiv, 324, 426, 427, 433— 435.

Aubrey, John. Brief lives, ed. by A. Clark. Oxford, 1898. 2 vols. xiii, xxiii, xxiv, xxxiv, xxxvii, li, lii, lv, lxi, lxii, 77.

——— Natural history of Wiltshire, ed. by J. Britton. London (Wiltshire Topographical Society), 1847. 288.

Aubrey MSS., Bodleian Library, lvi, lxviii, 4.

Bacon, Sir Francis. The novum organum, edited by T. Fowler. Oxford, 1878. lxiii.

——— Works, edited by J. S. Spedding. Boston, 1861—64. 15 vols. 322, 348.

Ballard MSS., Bodleian Library, xxvii, xl, 8.

Barlow, Thomas. Genuine remains London, 1693. 622.

Barry, J. S. History of Massachusetts. Boston, 1855—57. 3 vols. 302.

Bayle, P. Oeuvres. À la Haye, 1727—31. 4 vols. 464, 465, 525, 526.

Bede. Sententiæ sive axomita philosophica. (In Migne, Patrologiæ cursus completus. Vol. xc.) 9.

Behm, E., and H. Wagner. Die Bevolkerung der Erde. (In Petermann's Geographische Mittheilungen, Erganzungsband viii. nr. 35. Gotha, 1873.) 465.

Bell, John. London's Remembrancer, or a true account of every particular week's christenings and mortality in all the years of pestilence