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List of Books and Manuscripts used.

Davies, Sir John. A discoverie of the true causes why Ireland was never entirely subdued. London, 1612. 155.

De L'état present de la France. See Hay du Chastelet.

De Morgan, Augustus. A budget of paradoxes. London, 1872. xxxix, xlvii, 358.

Derham, William. Physico-theology; or, A demonstration of the being and attributes of God from his works of creation. London, 1798. 2 vols. xv, Ixxviii.

Descartes, Réné. Œuvres, publiés par V. Cousin. Paris, 1824. 11 vols. 286.

Dictionary of Political Economy, edited by R. H. Inglis Palgrave. London, 1894. 240.

Diogenes Laertius, 501.

Dircks, Henry. A biographical memoir of Samuel Hartlib. London, 1865. 251.

Directions left by a gentleman to his sons for the improvement of barren and heathy land. London, 1670. 251.

Discourse (A) of husbandrie. See Weston, R.

Domesday studies, ed. by P. E. Dove. London, 1888—91. 2 vols. 463.

Doyle, J. E. The official baronage of England. London, 1886. 3 vols. 319, 438.

Eden, Sir Frederick M. The state of the poor. London, 1797. 3 vols. 382.

Egerton MSS., British Museum, lxxxi, 4.

Ellis, Sir Henry. A general introduction to Domesday Book. London, 1833. 463

——— Original letters illustrative of English history. Second series. London, 1827. 3 vols. 302.

Encyclopædia Britannica, supplement to the 4th, 5th and 6th editions. Edinburgh, 1824. 6 vols. 642.

Ent, Dr George. MS. commonplace book. 538.

Essay (An) on trade and commerce [by W. Temple or J. Cunningham]. London, 1770. 274.

Essex papers, ed. by O. Airy. London (Camden Society), 1890. xxiv, xxv, xxviii.

L'État de la France ou l'on voit tous les princes, ducs & pairs. Paris, 1669. 252.

Evelyn, John. Fumifugium. London, 1661. xlvi, 41, 394.

——— Memoirs, ed. by W. Bray. 2nd ed. London, 1827. 5 vols. xiii, xxiii, xxiv, xxviii, xxxii, 77.

——— Navigation and Commerce, 1674. (In [McCulloch's] Select tracts on commerce. London, 1859.) 257.

Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond. The life of Sir William Petty. London, 1895. passim.

Fortrey, Samuel. England's interest and improvement, consisting in the