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List of Books and Manuscripts used.

increase of the store and trade of this kingdom. Cambridge, 1663. 30, 252, 297.

Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxonienses, 1504—1714. Oxford, 1891—92. 4 vols. 210.

Fournier, Georges. Hydrographie contenant la theorie et la pratique de toutes les parties de la navigation. Pans, 1643. 280.

Franklin, Benj. Complete works; ed by J. Bigelow. New York, 1887—88. 10 vols. Ixxiii.

Free ports. See W., B.

French, N. A narrative of the Earl of Clarendon's sale and settlement of Ireland. Louvain, 1668. 613.

Gailhard, J, The present state of Venice. London, 1669. 538.

Gairdner, James, editor. Three fifteenth century chronicles. London (Camden Society), 1880. lxxxi.

Gilbert, J.T. Calendar of the ancient records of Dublin. Dublin, 1894. 1, 63, 166, 480, 485.

Giffin, Sir R. The growth of capital. London, 1889. lxxi.

Goodall, Charles. The Royal College of Physicians. London, 1684. 27.

Grass, Samuel. Memoria excellentissimi apud Vratislavienses polyhistori medicini domini D. Godofriedi Schulzii. (In Appendix ad ephemeridum acad. Caesareo-leopoldinae nat. curiosorum in Germania centurias III. and IV. Nuremberg, 1715.) 318.

[Grey, W.] Chorographia or a survey of Newcastle upon Tyne. London, 1649. 304.

Grimperl. A MS. on the bills of mortality of Paris in the Bibhothèque de l'Institut National de France, x. 214. 2 vols. 506.

Guildhall Library, "Political Tracts, 1680." lxxxii.

Hale, Sir Matthew. The primitive origination of mankind considered and examined according to the light of nature. London, 1677. xlv, 463, 509.

[Hale, T.] Account of several new inventions. London, 1691. xxii.

Halley, Edmund. An estimate of the degrees of mortality of mankind. (In Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, no. 196 London, 1693.) xli.

Halliwell, J.O. A collection of letters illustrative of the progress of science in England. London (Historical Society of Science), 1841. lvi.

Hamilton, W. Dated book-plates. London, 1895. 630.

Hardinge, W.H. Observations on the earliest known MS. census returns of the people of Ireland.—On MS. mapped and other townland surveys of Ireland from 1640 to 1688.—An unpublished essay on Ireland by Sir W. Petty. (In Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, xxiv., antiquities. Dublin, 1873.) xvi, xxi, xxiv, lv, 63, 142, 177, 485, 548.