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List of Books and Manuscripts used.

Hardinge, W. H. On manuscript mapped townland surveys of Ireland of a public character. (In Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, viii., 39—55. Dublin, 1864.) xvi.

Harleian MSS., British Museum. 438.

Harleian miscellany. London, 1808—1813. 10 vols. 321.

Hartlib, Samuel. Legacie of husbandry. London, 1655. 250.

[Hay du Chastelet, Paul.] De l'état present de la France. Cologne, 1672. 252.

[Heberden, W.] A collection of the yearly bills of mortality, 1657—1758. London, 1759. xc, xci, 641, 659.

Hecker, J. F, C. Epidemics of the middle ages, transl. by B. G. Babington. 31d ed. London, 1859. lxxxi.

Hempton, John. The siege and history of Londonderry. Londonderry, 1861. i, 177.

Higgons, B. Historical and critical remarks on Bishop Burnet's History of his own time. London, 1725. xli.

Higgs, Henry. Review of Bevan's Petty. (In Economic Journal, vol. v. p. 72 London, 1895.) xlix.

Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, année 1771. Paris. 510.

Hobbes, Thomas. Opera philosophica, studio Gulielmi Molesworth. Londini, 1841. 5 vols. lxxii, lxxxiii.

Hodge, W. B. On the rates of interest for the use of money.—[A letter to the editor.] (In Assurance Magazine, London, 1859, Vol. viii., pp. 68—96, 234—237.) xxxix, xhv, xivii, li.

Hodgkin, J. E. MSS. in his collection, lvi.

Holinshed, Ralph. Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, 1808. 6 vols. Ixxxi.

Holy Bible. 384, 466.

Horace, epistles. 501.

Horton, S. Dana. The silver pound. London, 1887. 444.

Howard, G. E. A treatise of the exchequer and revenue of Ireland. Dublin, 1776. 2 vols. xxvi, 272.

Howell, James. Londonopolis, an historical discourse. London, 1657. 383.

Howell, T. B. A complete collection of state trials. London, 1816—26. 33 vols. 71.

Hull, C. H. Graunt or Petty? The authorship of the Observations upon the bills of mortality. (In Political Science Quarterly, Vol XI., p. 113—132, Boston, 1896.) xlvi, liv, 479.

Husson, Armand. Les consummations de Paris. Paris, 1856. 506.

Hutchinson, Thomas. The history of Massachusetts. Second edition. London, 1760. 2 vols. 302.

Ingram, John Kells. A history of political economy. New York, 1893. 378.

[J. H.] A letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend in the