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expense of people of, 253, 254; taxes of, 253; value of buildings, 251; mention of, 399, 400, 403, 404.

Anabaptists, 200, 423.

Anatomy necessary, 129.

Anglesey, Arthur Annesley, first Earl, charged with mismanaging the Irish revenues, xxvi; Pett's vindication of, xliii, xlv; Petty's letters to, lvi, 240 n.; mentioned, 599, 616.

Anne of Cleves goes to Richmond, lxxxi.

Another Essay in Political Arithmetick, by Petty, 457—478, 641.

Anxiety hinders breeding, 374.

Apparatus to the History of Dying, Petty's, mentioned, 3, 637, 638.

Apprentices remain long unmarried, 373, 375.

Aqua vitae exported from Ireland, 595.

Arbutus in Ireland, 209.

Aristippus and Diogenes alluded to, 501 n.

Aristotle mentioned, 9 n., 378 n.

Arithmetical method. See Political Arithmetic.

Arlington, Sir Henry Bennet, Earl of, 186 n., 212.

Armagh, Bishop of, 163.

Arms imported into Ireland, 596.

Army, expence of, 116.

Army in Ireland (in 1641—1652), 140, 141, 185, 599, 607; (in 1672), 185; (in 1687), 589, 590.

Army lands in Ireland, xvii, 136, 139—141.

Art and Labour, equation between, 182.

Articles of peace of 1648, 153, 618, 619.

Artizans, numbers of, 293; food of, 93.

Arundel, Earl of, his house in Lothbury, 380.

Asia, territories of England in, 285.

Assessment, 49; in 1661, 1664 and 1665, 103; in Ireland, 178 n., 179; in London, 460; of personal estates upon oath, 115.

Assyria, paucity of people in, 467 n.

Astrology, 64.

Athlone, court of, 580, 601, 612.

Aubrey, John, his account of Petty, xiii n., xxxii; of Graunt, xxxiv, xxxvii; of the authorship of the Observations, xl, lii; letters to and from him, lvi, 4, 8, 237, 238.

Augustinians in Ireland, 164.

Autumn the unhealthful season, 369.

Auzout, Adrien, note on, 526 n.; mentioned, 522, 523, 526—529, 534, 537, 538, 541, 543.

Averages, law of, applied, 305, 462, 470, 483.

Bacon, Sir Francis, viscount St Albans, influence of on Petty, lxiii; quoted by Petty, lxiv n., 129; by Graunt, 322.

Bacon exported from Ireland, 594.

Balance of trade, 259—260, 313.

Ballibelaghs, an Irish land name, 207.

Baltic, timber and iron of, 258.

Bampfield, Thomas, speaker, xix.

Bandle, (an Irish measure), 201.

Banians, 263.

Banker, the trade of a, 447.

Banks, 26, 28, 36, 82, 261, 265, 446; of Holland, 265; for England, 311, 312; for Ireland, 187, 219, 222.

Bantry, 209.

Baptising infants, religious opinion against, 362.

Barbadoes, 185, 285, 299, 302.

Barillon, French Ambassador to England, 592 n.

Barley, value of, 275.

Barnwel, Mr, his verdict for land, 590.

Barometer, 170.

Baronies of Ireland, 215.

Base metals as money, 445.

Bathurst, Ralph, xv n.

Bayle, Pierre, his criticisms of Petty answered, 525.

Bays exported from England, 296.

Beaver imported from New England, 296.

Bebb, Rev. Llewellyn John Montfort, x.

Bedlam, more are lunatics than die in, 355.

Beef exported from Ireland, 296, 594.

Beer as the only excizable commodity,