93; tax on, at Amsterdam, 253; exported from Ireland, 595. See Ale.
Beggars and begging, 7, 20, 30, 189, 243, 353, 354, 474.
Bell, John, clerk of the Company of Parish Clerks, xliii, lxxx, 660; defends the searchers, lxxxix n.; praises Graunt, lxxxvii; his accuracy, 407 n., 426—428.
Benefices, influence of, 382.
Benevolence, 65, 66.
Bergen, plague at, 403, 404.
Bermudas, 285.
Berwick, fish from, 471.
Bevan, Dr Wilson Lloyd, on the authorship of the Observations, xxxix n., xlvi, xlvii, xlviii n., 1.
Bibliography of Graunt, 658—660.
Bibliography of Petty, 633—657.
Billiards, 244.
Bills of mortality of Dublin, their history, 480; Petty's Observations upon them, 479—498; beginning of his enquiries, xxiv n., 398 n.; his model bills, lxxxix, 485—489; a bill printed by Graunt, 421; mentioned, 210.
Bills of Mortality of London, Graunt's Observations upon, 314—431; how he came to study the bills, xxxv, 333; their history, lxxx = xci, 335—346: origin, lxxx = lxxxiii; publication, lxxxiii—lxxxiv; area included, lxxxiv—lxxxvi, 105, 457, 526, 529, 536; form and contents, lxxxvii—lxxxviii, 485—489, 491; trustworthiness, lxxxviii—xci, 347, 355—361, 365; use, 333.
Bills weekly, of London for 1597—1600 now published, 426, 427, 433—435.
Bimetallism, the ratio of gold and silver, 444 n. See also Silver.
Birch, Dr Thomas, his labours on the London bills, 641.
Births, taxation of, 83; registers of, 210; possible maximum of, 462; are better than burials for judging of population, 482.
Birth rate, reasons for decline of during plagues, 366, 367. See also Christenings.
Biscayers in Ireland, 204.
Bishops, powers of, 631; Roman Catholic, in Ireland, 164.
Bishops' numbering of the communicants, xxxi n., 460, 461 n.
Bishopsgate has lost its ancient trade, 380.
Biskets [perhaps a misprint in original for briskets] exported from Ireland, 595.
Blackfriars parish, 383.
Blackwall, 536.
Blood, circulation of, 360.
Bloodshed abhorred by Englishmen, 354.
Boats, irregular motion of, 358.
Bogs, improvement of, 249.
Bodley, Sir Josias, surveys Ulster, 176, 177.
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, lxix, lxxiv n.
Bombay added to the king's territory, 302.
Bongalls, Irish, 85.
Bonrepaus, second French plenipotentiary, letter to Seignelay, 578 n.
Books generally too big, 490.
Boroughs, made by the king, 632.
Bowls, 244.
Bowood, Petty MS. at, ix, lvi n., lviii.
Boyle, Michael, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 616.
Boyle, Robert, Petty's letters to, lvi.
Brandenburg, monopoly of amber in, 83.
Brandy imported from France, 297.
Brasenose Collge, Oxford, Petty made fellow and vice-principal of, xv.
Breda, the Declaration of, 599, 612.
Breeders fewer in London than in the country, 372, 373.
Brehon law, 210.
Brest, 279.
Bribery encouraged by high customs, 55.
Bricks burned with coals, 304.
Brief of Proceedings between Sanchey and Petty, Petty writes, xxi, 634.
Bristol, population of, 506, 538—540; housing of, 534; bills of mortality in, wanted by Petty, 480.
Britannia half-pence, 443.
Brittany, 280.
Brogues, 188.