Brome, Alexander, 655.
Bronsdon, Peter, praises Petty's timber, xxv n.
Brouncker, William, second viscount, takes one of Petty's MSS., xxiii n.; sends Graunt's Observations to Pepys, 317; Petty's letters to, lvi n., 480.
Brouage, 279 n.
Brown, John, of Connaught, 616.
Browne, Sir Thomas, xlviii.
Buckingham, George Villiers, second Duke, defeats Petty, xxvii.
Buckle, Henry Thomas, lxxvi.
Building Trades, earnings of after the Fire, 308, 309.
Bull, Major, ejectment case against, 602.
Bullibos, Irish land name, 207.
Bullion, export and import duties on, 92; free exportation of advocated, 445, 446.
Bullioners, 85.
Bull's Head Tavern, early meetings of the Royal Society of, xxi, xxii.
Burials, uniformity of, 535; relation to christenings, 369, 370; to number of people, 458; tables of: Cranbrook, 419—421; London, 407—409; Romsey, 412—415; Tiverton, 416—418.
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, on the authorship of the Observations, xli.
Butler family, 168. See also Ormond.
Butter produced in Ireland, 176; exported, 296, 594; cost of, 173.
Cabins, Irish, 156, 164, 223, 577, 610; number of, 143; their influence on trade, 190.
Caen, Petty at school in, xiv.
Cairo, mortality at, 402; population of, 509.
Calicoes, imported from the East Indies, 296; into Ireland, 596.
Camden, William, cited by Petty, 8; by Cox, 155 n.
Candles exported from Ireland, 596.
Canning Street has lost its trade, 381.
Canterbury, province of, persons in, 461 n.
Canvas, French, price of, 88.
Capers, imports of, 309.
Capitalization, Petty on, lxxiii.
Capuchins in Ireland, 164.
Carlingford, Theobald Taaffe, first earl, 616.
Carolina, 285.
Carp, Graunt on increase of, xxxvii, 432.
Carribee Islands, 285, 390.
Carrickfergus, first part of Ireland settled, 204.
Carthusians in Ireland, 164.
Castration, purpose of, 375, 377.
Casualties, observations on, 346—352; particular, 352—363; tables of, 351, 406; specified in the bills of mortality in 1629, 342; number specified should be reduced, 491.
Cathedrals in repair, 243.
Catholics in Ireland, 164, 167, 498; lands of 581, 600; in 1641 and 1687, 606; gains and losses of by changes under James II., 590, 591; project of making them considerable in 1687, 578, 579, 591.
Cattle in England, value of, 106; few bred in Holland, 259; in Ireland, raising of, 173, 174, 559, 563, 566, 575; number and value of, 145, 152, 174—176; value of declined in 1687, 583, 590; exports of, especially to England, xxvi, 31, 160, 161, 244, 299, 595, 609, 651.
Celibacy, 25, 377.
Census of Ireland (1659), 485 n.; of London, xliv, 405; of Paris, 505 n., 506 n.; David's, 384, 466.
Chamberlayne, Dr Edward, lxi, 122, 123, 284, 308.
Chapels for large cities, 472.
Charges, public, 18; increase of, 21.
Charente, 279.
Charité hospital in Paris, 510.
Charity, motives to, 353.
Charles I., execution of, effect on marriage rate, 400.
Charles II., prince of philosophers, 323; marriage of, 3; dedication of Political Anatomy to, 238, 239 n.; gift to by adventurers and soldiers, 179; his opinion of Petty, xxiii; his