Diogenes and Aristippus alluded to, 501 n.
Discourse concerning the Making of Cloth, Petty's, mentioned, 3.
Discourse of Duplicate Proportion, by Petty, extracts from, 239—240 n., 622—624; mentioned, 386 n., 638.
Diseases, Graunt's descriptions of, xlvi; table of, 351; three classes of, 491; when specified in the bills, 342, lxxxviii; chronic, 350; are more regular than epidemic, 352; acute, proportion of deaths due to, 349, 350; depend on alterations of the air, 350.
Dissenters, characters of, 262; case of, 263; number of in London, 423; indulgence for, 302. See Nonconformists.
Dissenting divines to be beneficed, 567, 568.
Distribution, problem of, not treated by Petty, lxxiv.
Divinity, unintelligible notions of, 396.
Division of labour, 260, 473; limited by the extent of the market, 255, 256.
Doctors' Commons, 507.
Domesday Book, referred to by Petty, 463.
Dominicans in Ireland, 164.
"Double bottom," Petty's vessel, xxii, xxiii, xxx, 3.
Double writing, Petty's machine for, xiv, 74, 633.
Downing, Sir George, 252 n.
Down Survey, account of, xvi—xviii; Petty's papers on, are burned, lv; his description of, 614, 615; mentioned, 568, 570, 485 n.
Drapers' Company, Graunt a member of, xxxiv.
Drapery exported from Ireland, 595.
Dreams, nature of, 286.
Drugs, imported from the East Indies, 296.
Dublin, ale houses of, 146; births, 482, 486; burials, 482, 486; census of in 1659, 485 n.; city government, 165; families, hearths and houses in, 143, 215, 303, 484, 485, 490, 496, 497, 534, fish at, 209; fortification of, 147; parishes of, 490; plague at, 151; population of, 398, 399, 498, 538—540; compared with London, 490; larger than Bristol, 506; protestants in, 148, 589; general statistics of, 496, 588, 589. See Bills.
Dublin Castle, 143.
Dublin, Philosophical Society, Petty's relation to, xxiii, xxx.
Dublin University, 162, 165, 611.
Ducatoons, 221.
Duelling, 77.
Duke's Place built up before 1662, 380.
Dunkirk, 279.
Dunsany, Christopher Plunkett, tenth baron, his verdict for land, 590, 591, 602.
Durdens, Surrey, Petty withdraws thither during the Plague, xxiv.
Dying in Ireland, 191, 596.
Dye-stuffs of Turkey worked in Holland, 258.
Earnings of the Irish, 189.
Earth, interior of, 455.
East India Company, 243.
East Indies, linen from, 119; imports from, 296; exports of money to, 439, 440; trade of, 278.
Ecclesiastical government of Ireland, 164.
Economies, the term, lxxi n.
Edgehill, battle of, 619.
Education, public, 19; Petty's Advice to Hartlib for the Advancement of Learning, xv.
Egmont, John Perceval, first earl, 630 n.
Election to office, 23.
Elements, The, of Ireland, tract by Petty, 545—621.
Elizabeth's plantations in Ireland, 136, 167.
Employment for people, 29, 30, 118; in Ireland, 147.
Emporium, fittest spot for, 455.
Emulators, numerous, promote arts, 474.
England (sometimes including Wales),