area of, 105, 284, 285, 371, 558; population of, 105, 371, 463, 464, 467 n., 558, 572; density of, 217; not fully peopled, 21, 68, 455; trade of, 283, 312, 354; imports, 273, 309; exports, 295—297; superlucration of, 292 n.; wealth of doubled, 302; revenues of increased, 305; impediments to the greatness of, 298—302; bears the whole charge of foreign wars, 299; England and France compared, lxxii, 293—297; and the Netherlands, 117.
England's Guide to Industry, book by Petty, 238, 640.
English in Ireland, 300; numbers of, 141, 142, 598; are aliens, 243; hardships, 159, 220, 600; efficiency as soldiers, 593; importance in trade, 251, 594.
English language in Ireland, 568, 570, 575, 577.
Englishmen abhor bloodshed, 354.
Ent, George, xxvii, xxxvi, 538 n.
Epidemics, 172; effect of on the health of London, 347. See also Diseases.
Episcopacy, 24.
Equity and Law, differences between, 300.
Essay, An, in Political Arithmetick concerning the Value and Encrease of People and Colonies, syllabus of, 454—455.
Essay on the Multiplication of Mankind, by Petty, lost, 453, 642.
Essex, Arthur Capel, Earl of, on land titles in Ireland, xxiv; on Petty, xxviii; favours Sir James Shaen, xxix; letters by, 186 n., 212; mentioned, 166, 212.
Eustace, Sir Maurice, 616.
Evelyn, John, his opinion of Petty, xxxii—xxxiii; as a Latin poet, xxviii n.; of Lady Petty, xxxii; on the authorship of the London Observations, xxxix—xl, lii, liii.
Exchange, nature of, lxxiv; as "local interest," 47, 447; rate of, 48, 187; laws limiting, 447; in Ireland, 185, 186.
Exchange, The. See Royal Exchange.
Exchequer of Ireland, 163, 195.
Excise, 91—95; advantages of, 115; on houses, 46; on consumption, 61; accumulative, 93; in Ireland, 586—588; London's share of, 473.
Exercise promotes breeding, 374.
Exeter, housing increased in, 303.
Expectation of life, 45, 384, 386, 387.
Expenditure, national, of England, 567.
Expenditures, personal, of Englishmen, lxxi, 78, 91, 105, 111, 294, 305, 306, 559, 572, 574; of Dutchmen, 253, 254; of Frenchmen, 294; of Irishmen, 188, 216, 559, 588.
"Experiment," Petty's boat, xxiii.
Experimentation precluded in economics, lxiv—lxvi.
Experiments to be made relating to Land-Carriage, by Petty, 641.
Exports a touchstone to try wealth, 278; to be kept account of, 568; prohibition of, 59, 60; of money, 87; from Ireland, 198, 575. See also Customs.
Eyres, John, 616.
Factions in a large city, 472.
Fall of man, 617.
Families, size and numbers of, 527, 528, 534; in Ireland, 142; in Dublin, 485.
Farming of taxes disapproved, 95; in Ireland, xxvi—xxix, 185, 195, 196, 216.
Farthings, quantity of required, 447.
Fashions minted in France, 297
Favourites, 33; are granted lotteries, 65.
Feathers exported from Ireland, 596.
Fees, 75, 76; retrenchment of, 25, 26; effect of on registry, 362.
Females. See Males and females.
Fellows of colleges, 375.
Fenchurch street has lost its trade, 380.
Fens, draining of, 303.
Fever, at Romsey, 391; purple, foreruns the plague, 366.
Fevers and agues entered promiscuously in the bills, 360.