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- Making Mathematicall Instruments, Dialls, and how to use them in Astronomicall Observations.
- Making Watches and other Trochilick motions.
- Limning and Painting on Glasse or in Oyle Colours.
- Graving, Etching, Carving, Embossing and Molding in sundry matters.
- The Lapidaries Art of knowing, cutting and setting Iewells.
- Grinding of Glasses Dioptricall and Catoptricall.
- Botanicks and Gardening.
- Making Musicall Instruments.
- Navarchy and making Modells for buildings and rigging of Ships.
- Architecture and making Modells for houses.
- The Confectioners, Perfumers or Diers Arts.
- Chymistry, refining Metalls and Counterfeiting Iewells.
- Anatomy making Sceletons and excarnating bowells.
- Making Mariners Compasses, Globes, and other Magnetick Devices.
And all, for these Reasons.
- They shall be lesse subject to be cousened by Artificers.
- They will become more industrious in generall.
- They will certainly bring to passe most excellent Works being as Gentlemen, ambitious to excell ordinarie Work-men.
- They being able to make Experiments themselves, may doe it with lesse charge, and more care then others will doe it for them.
- The Resp. Artium will be much advanced, when such as are rich and able, are also willing to make Luciferous Experiments.
- It may engage them to be Mecænates and Patrons of Arts.
- It will keepe them from worse occasions of spending their time and estates.
- As it will be a great Ornament in prosperity, so it wil be a great Refuge and stay in adversity and common calamity.
As for what remaines of Education, we cannot but hope