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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/235

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As to the last head, concerning orders of possession, wee humbly offer that, in our poor opinions, none under your Lordshipps can by the Act give out certificats whereby the souldier shall bee deemed to bee in actuall or legall possession.

Wherefore wee humbly desire your Lordshipps to direct us a forme whereby wee shall certifie to your Lordshipps in order thereunto.

2dly. Wee humbly offer to your Lordshipps consideration that, by reason of the mistakes which wee have observed in some of the distributions made anno 1655, that the certificats given by those Commissioners bee compared by the now wholly perfected and examined survey, before your Lordshipps give them their finall orders of possession.

3dly. What security shall bee left unto the army for the unsatisfyed part of their debentures, as whether the debenture it selfe shall bee endorsed with the part satisfaction received, as allsoe a receipt taken by us for such lands as have been given out for the same or any other way.

4thly. What care and examination shall bee made uppon the severall commissions and letters of atturney given to agents or others for receiving satisfactions for their respective debts.

5thly. Whether any notice or accompt shall be taken of sales and alienations of debentures or lands made before absolute and legall possession.

6thly. Whether the Register-Generall for debentures, or his deputy, will not bee necessary to attend either the cancelling or indorsing of satisfyed debentures.

7thly. In case debentures, for satisfaction whereof lands have been allready assigned, shall not bee actually brought in at the time of receiving debentures and issueing certificats for the same, or within some other time to bee appointed, whether they may and shall bee postponed, and others admitted in their roomes.

Lastly, wee humbly desire that, having sett out the now remainder of disposeable lands, there may be a totall cessation of all claimes and further proceedings, untill wee can wholly perfect the severall accompts wee have to make, and untill the adventurers and disbanded in 1653 their lands bee returned by the surveyors.

All which wee leave to your Lordshipps wisdome.23th January, 1656.

To part of of which adress they returne the following answer:

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