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Page:Petty 1851 The Down Survey.djvu/236

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By His Highnesse the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Whereas the Commissioners for setting forth lands to the army have, pursuant to their commission of the 7th of July, 1656, as is certifyed by a paper produced under their hands, dated the 23th of January last, and presented to this board, sett out land to every troope and company of the army, allowing unto some their full arreares, unto others fourteene shillings and three pence in the pound, whereoff about two shillings and four pence is to bee satisfied in Kerrey, and unto others but twelve shillings and three pence, who are to take two shillings more out of lands of dubiouse and incumbred titles. And having a remainder of land yet to dispose of, for the satisfaction not only of such debentures as whereoff noe part hath been yett satisfyed, but withall for repairing such defects as have happened, as well by reason of decrees, whereby all or any part of the lands assigned have been afterwards taken away, as by accidentall mistakes or miscasting, as by the said certificate doeth appeare.

The Councill, having taken the same into consideration, doe thinke fitt att present only to take notice of such of the said cases or particulars as are undernamed, vizt, that of debentures wholly unsatisfyed, and the case of such others as are become satisfyed only in part, by reason of the decrees and of the accidentall mistakes and miscastings afforementioned; and for proportionable releife in those cases have thought fitt to give the following instructions:

That, in the first place, a due computation bee made of all and every barrony and part of barrony respectively, which have been sett out either in the year 1655 or in this present year 1656, and allsoe that are appointed to bee sett out for satisfaction of the forces disbanded in 1655, and the now standing army, and having thereuppon compared the severall and variouse values of them, at the equalization rates sett up by the respective agents, with the values of the same att the Act rates proper to each respective provinces, the said Commissioners are to take care that uppon the whole the State suffer noe prejudice by the said equalizations and depressions of the said Act rates, whereby having allsoe cleared what lands doe yett remaine to bee disposed of, over and above what was requisite to satisfie the whole debt hitherto admitted to satisfaction, in each province respectively, att the Act rates, and according to the respective quota pars or proportion of payment, the said commissioners are then to dispose of the said remainder as followeth, vizt: