greater than can easily be imagined. Wherefore he could never, having some experience of this preciseness, conceive, that a Turn-lathe, wherein must be two different, and in some manner contrary motions, can move with that exactness and steddiness, that is required, especially, for any considerable length of time.
Having premised this, he discourses upon Mr. Hook his Turne, intimating first of all, that he was impatient to know what kind of Turne this was, imagining, that it had been tried, and had succeeded, as coming from a Society that professeth, they publish nothing but what hath been maturely examin'd. But that he was much surprised when he saw the Micrography of Mr. Hook, and found there, that his Engine was published upon a meer Theory, without having made any Experiment, though that might have been made with little charge and great speed; expence of Money and Time being the onely thing, that can excuse those who in matter of Engines impart their inventions to the publick, without having tried them, to excite others to make trial thereof.
Whereupon he proposes some difficulties, to give the Inventor occasion to find a way to remove them. He affirms therefore, that though it be true in the Theory, that a Circle, whose Plain is inclined to the Axis of the Sphere by an Angle, whereof half the Diameter is the Sine, and which touches the Sphere in its Pole, will touch in all its parts a spherical Surface, that shall turn upon that Axe. But that it is true also, that that must be but a Mathematical Circle, and without Breadth, and which precisely touches the Body in its middle: Whereas in the practice, a Circle capable to keep Sand and Putty, must be of some breadth; and he knows not whether we can find such a dexterity of keeping so much of it, and for so long a time, as needs, upon the Brim of a Ring that is half an Inch broad. He adds, that it is very difficult to contrive, that the middle of the Glass do always precisely answer to the Brim of this Ring, seeing that the position of the Glass does always change a little in respect of the Ring, in proportion as 'tis worn, and as it must be pressed because of its inclination. He believes it also very hard, to give to the Axis or to the Mandril which holds the Glass, that little