Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/136

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( 944 )

of Coyns currant over all Asia, being Gold, Silver, Copper, several sorts of Shells & Almonds: of all which he gives the descriptions, value, & figures.

The first Book contains the descriptions of 11 or 12 great Roads from Ispahan and Gehenabat (where the Great Mogul resides,) and to divers other considerable places in the Indies.

The 2d Book is the History of the Empire & Court of the G. Mogul.

The third Book, an Account of the Religion of the Mahometan Indians. Of the Faquirs, and their Penances. Of the Idolatrous Indians, and their Pagods, Pilgrimages, Burning the Women with their deceased Husbands; and divers other Customes.

In these Books there are many things observable, both Natural, Moral and Civil, like to those above-mention'd out of the first Part: As of their Custome-Houses and Customes, Exchange, Weights, Measures, &c. Descriptions of Gehanabad, Amadabat, Baroche, and the Mountebanks there; Cambaya, Bengala, Bantam, Goa, and the famous Hospital there; Cape of good Hope, who cut out the right Testicles of all their Males. Of Boutan, the wonderful reverence the people have for their King. Of the Bramins and Camocks. The people of Saba, who never live above 40 years. The Bannians, who never kill any thing. Kingdom of Eipra, where the people have oftentimes great Wens under their Throats, especially the Women. Of Asem, Siam, and Golconda, Macassar & their Poysons. Borneo, govern'd not by Kings, but Queens.

He tells from whence Musk, Bezoar, with other medicinal Stones of Animals; the best Ivory. How they whiten Silk; whence the best painted Calico's, and how whiten'd. Whence Cinamon, the best Cardamoms, Pepper, Indigo, Opium, Gum-Lak, Wormseed, Cassia fistularis, Ambergreese, Coral, Agats, Borax, Salt Armoniack, Salt Peter. &c. and the cheats used about them, &c.

He informs us how Lions are tam'd; how Elephants taken, &c. Of the hooded Serpent of Melinde; of Siam with 2 heads, &c.

How long since, and by whom Coffee brought into use. Nutmeg-Tree never planted. An Emetick Root, which the Augans use. Tari, the sweet juyce of a Tree. A purging Sorrel at St. Helius. At Navapoura, a pure white Rice having the smell of Musk. The Cinamon-Tree describ'd, &c

Of the Diamond Mine; whereof there are 4 describ'd. The places, ground, manner of working, &c. The Weights, Money, and Rules to prize the Stones, used at the Mines.

Of Pearls, how bred; as also how, and where fished for, &c.

To these Two Parts are added, his Relation of the inner part or the Grand Seignor's Seraglio; never before expos'd to publick view.

To which is subjoyn'd (by another Hand) a short description of all the Kingdoms which encompass the Euxine and Caspian Seas; delivered by the Author after above 20 years Travel. Together with a Preface containing several remarkable Observations of the abovesaid Countries.


Jonas Moore, R. S. Vice-Præses.

London; Printed for John Martyn, Printer to the R. Society, 1678.