Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/137

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Numb. 138.



March 25.
For the Month of March, 1678.

The Contents.

A Relation of the Culture, or Planting and Ordering of Saffron; by the Honourable Charles Howard, Esquire. An Account of the Tin-Mines in Cornwall; by Dr. Christopher Merret. Experiments of the Refining of Gold with Antimony; by Dr. Jonathan Goddard. A Relation of a monstrous Birth, by Dr. S. Morris of Petworth. An Account of three Books: I. The Royal Pharmacopæa; by Moses Charras, the (French) Kings Chief Operator in his Royal Garden of Plants. II. Decameron Physiologicum; by Thomas Hobbes of Malmsbury. III. An Account of Mr. Joseph Moxon's Undertaking and Essays,in the History of Handy crafts.

An Account of the Culture, or Planting and Ordering of Saffron; by the Honourable Charles Howard, Esquire.

Saffron heads planted in a black rich Sandy Mold, or in a mixt Sandy Land, between white and red, yields the greater store of Saffron.

A Clay or Stiff-ground, be it never ao rich, produceth little Saffron; though increase of Heads or Roots, if the Winter prove mild and dry: but the extremity of cold and moisture will rot them. So that the finest light Sandy Mold, of an indifferent fatness is esteemed most profitable.Plough