Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/296

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He died 2nd February, 1863, aged about 80 years.
His direction of his people was eminently good, and his attachment
to the Queen's rule was great.

In Memory of
Who died in Otago in 1854.
A leading Chief of the Ngatiawa, who welcomed the
Pakeha to Cook's Strait.
He was the father of the Hon. Wi Tako Ngatata, M.L.C.
Erected by the New Zealand Government in honour
of his memory.

In Memory of
A Chief of the Ngaitahu and Ngatimamoe Tribes in
the South Island,
Who died 30th May, 1860, aged 79 years.
Under the shelter of Queen Victoria his conduct to
the people of the Maori and European races
was kind and liberal.

Many others could be given, but the visitor should inspect for himself, and read the records on the tombstones, whereon, in highly poetic language, is recorded the devoted loyalty of some of the old chieftains to the cause of the Queen and the Pakeha, and which speak nothing but the truth.

Returning to Portobello, and again resting our horses and refreshing ourselves, we return by the road up the harbour side to Dunedin. Here the sinuosities of land and sea, while protracting the journey, add immensely to the interest, as features of the landscape are revealed from unexpected points, which otherwise would be withheld. The artistic eye can best appreciate these unfoldings of beauty which a slight bend or turn displays, as we move along in contemplative silence. Each object has its own peculiar attraction. Primitive nature, as regards its forest clothing, has been destroyed, but in the contour of the land it is permanent. Different minds will form diverse opinions, but the original can never be restored.

Leaving Portobello Bay and crossing the narrow neck of land which still remains, joining Ridley's Peninsula to the mainland, and which, in some former day, was connected with the Quarantine Island and Port Chalmers Peninsula, so that the