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After saying this, the angel left, after which Laman and Lemuel asked, "How can the Lord deliver Laban into our hands? Laban commands fifty servants, who could kill fifty men, and there are only four of us!"

Nephi is told to kill Laban...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 4)

I replied to my brothers, "Let's go back to Jerusalem and be faithful in keeping the Lord's commandments. Since He is mightier than all the earth, surely He is mightier than Laban's fifty, or even his fifty thousand.

Let's go and be strong like Moses, for when he spoke the Red Sea parted, and our forefathers walked out of captivity on dry ground. Then Pharaoh's armies followed and were drowned in the Red Sea.

You know this is true, and you know an angel just spoke to you, so how can you doubt? Let's go, for the Lord will deliver us just as He delivered our forefathers. He will destroy Laban just as He destroyed Pharaoh's armies."

After Laman and Lemuel heard this, they were still angry and afraid, but they did follow me back to the walls of Jerusalem.