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By now it was dark. I told my brothers to wait for me and hide outside the walls. Then I crept into the city and carefully made my way back to Laban’'s house.

I was being led by the Spirit, not knowing what I was going to do, but I went ahead anyway.

As I came near Laban's house, I saw a drunken man stagger and fall down. I crept closer and discovered that it was Laban! I drew his sword from its sheath. The handle was made of pure gold, the workmanship very fine, and the blade was made from the finest steel.

All at once the Spirit told me, "Kill Laban."

I replied in my heart, "I have never killed anyone, and I don't want to kill this man."

But the Spirit replied, "The Lord has delivered him into your hands as He said He would."

I knew Laban had not listened to the Lord's commandments. My brothers and I had asked Laban for the records and he had refused to give them up. Rather than yield to the Lord, Laban had become proud and greedy, and our wealth had fallen into his hands after he commanded his servants to kill us.

A third time the Spirit spoke, "Kill him, for the Lord has delivered him into your hands. The Lord destroys the wicked to