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And the spiritual grave-hell, will deliver up its captive spirits.

Death and hell will be overcome, and the freed spirits will be restored to their immortal bodies by the power of the resurrection of the Holy One of Israel.

Oh how great is our God's plan! For His paradise must deliver the righteous spirits, the devil's hell must deliver the wicked spirits, and the grave must deliver up the bodies of all.

The spirit and body will be restored to one another, because everyone, righteous and wicked, must become immortal.

We will be living souls, having knowledge as we do now, except our knowledge will be perfect.

The wicked will have a perfect knowledge of all their guilt and uncleanness, being exposed before God, and the righteous will have a perfect knowledge of their joy, being clothed in robes of righteousness.

After we have all become immortal souls, we will stand before the judgment-seat of the Holy One of Israel, to be judged according to His holy judgment.

Those who were righteous on earth will still be righteous, and those who were filthy on earth will still be filthy--the devil and his angels. They will go away from God with their souls burning within them like flames that ascend forever.