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Our God's justice is great because He fulfills all the words and laws He gives us.

On the other hand, the righteous saints of the Holy One of Israel -- those who have believed in Him and have endured the trials of the world without shame -- will inherit God's kingdom, and their joy will be full forever. This kingdom has been prepared for them since before the world was created.

Oh the great mercy of our God, the Holy One of Israel! He will deliver His saints from that awful monster, the devil. He will deliver them from death, hell and that endless anguish which will come to all who separate themselves from Him.

Oh how great the holiness of our God, for He knows all things.

He will come into the world to save all who will listen to Him.

He will suffer the pains of all people--of every man, woman and child descended from Adam and Eve. He will do this so that the resurrection will be brought to everyone, that all may stand before Him at the great judgment day.

He commands all people to repent, to be baptized in His name, and to have perfect faith in Him, the Holy One of Israel, or they cannot be saved in God's kingdom.