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If they refuse to repent and believe in Him, and are not willing to be baptized in His name, and will not continue in righteousness throughout their lives, then their spiritual progress must end, for the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has spoken His law.

Those who have not been given the law--the gospel of repentance--are not condemned. Because of the atonement, the mercy of the Holy One of Israel claims and delivers them.

The atonement satisfies the demands of His justice upon all who have not been taught the law. They are delivered from the devil and restored to the Holy One of Israel, who created them and gave them life.

But cursed are those who have been given all of God's commandments, as we have, and who break them, wasting the days of their probation, for their condition is awful!

Note: Being in an "awful state" refers to those given “all" the commandments, or the "fullness" of the gospel, and who then pollute God's “holy church.” (3 Nephi 16:10-13, 20:28, Mormon 8:35-38, Ether 8:24).

Oh that cunning plan of the evil one! Oh the vanity, frailty and foolishness of men! When they are educated they think they are wise, and they stop listening to God's counsel. They put it aside, thinking they know better themselves. Their wisdom is foolishness because it does not benefit them, and they will die spiritually.

But it is good to learn many things, as long as you learn how to listen to God's counsel.