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bring about His righteous purposes. It's better for one man to die than a whole nation to falter and pass away in unbelief.

When I heard this, I remembered the Lord telling me in the wilderness,

“If your descendants keep my commandments, they will be protected and allowed to prosper in the choice land that I have prepared for them.”

I knew my descendants could not keep the Lord's commandments according to the law of Moses unless they had a record of the law, which was engraved upon the brass plates. And finally, I knew the Lord had delivered Laban into my hands for only one reason--to help me obey His commandment to obtain the records and bring them to my father in the wilderness.

Knowing all these things, I obeyed the Spirit's voice. I took Laban by the hair and swiftly cut off his head with his own sword. Then I put on Laban’s clothes and armor, disguising myself as him.

I went to Laban's treasury, where I met his servant who had the treasury keys. Imitating Laban's voice, I told the servant to follow me into the treasury. Because I was wearing Laban's clothes, and because it was dark, the servant thought I was Laban and followed me.

The servant asked about the elders--the Jewish leaders, knowing Laban had been out meeting with them earlier that evening. I answered him in a way I thought Laban would have. I told the servant I would be taking the brass plates to my "elder brethren,” who were just outside the city walls, and to follow me there.