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and in the great, eternal plan that delivers us from an eternal death (spiritual and physical).

And most of all, my soul delights in proving to my people that unless Christ comes, we will all perish.

If there is no Christ, then there's no God. And if there's no God, then we do not exist, for we could not have been created. But there is a God, and He is Christ, and He will come in the fullness of His own time.

Now I'll write some of Isaiah's words so my people may rejoice for all mankind, for Isaiah wrote to all people.

Nephi writes some of Isaiah's words...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 12)

What Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:

“In the last days, when the Lord's temple will be established in the chief of the nations (Zion), the righteous throughout all the world will come to it.

Note: The word “mountain” is a metaphor for the word "nation." Two parallel scriptures, 2 Nephi 12:2 and Jeremiah 31:6-7, illustrate this metaphor. Note how "top of the mountains" and "chief of the nations” are used in the exact same context.

"They will say, ‘Let us go to the Lord's nation (New Jerusalem)--to the temple of the God of Jacob. In His temple, the Lord will teach us,’ for the Lord's word will come from Jerusalem, and His law from Zion.'

The Lord and His law will judge all nations and rebuke many. Then they will repent and convert their weapons into farming tools. They will no longer think of war, but of peace.

Oh house of Jacob, come back to walk in the Lord's light. You have all gone astray, for each tribe has wicked traditions.

The Lord will not protect His people who mix with the unbelieving-- those who listen to mystics rather than make covenants with Him.

The land of the unbelievers is full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their wealth. Their land is filled with transports, and there is no