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end to their streams of chariots. Their land is also full of man-made idols.

Because the people are so proud in their sins, refusing to humble themselves before God, He will not forgive them.

The wicked will fear the Lord and hide in the rocks, preferring to be buried by mountains rather than face His glory.

The proud will be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted when He comes, for on that day, which soon comes, all nations that have put themselves above others will be brought down.

The day of the Lord will come upon all the finely dressed people who possess so much, who think they are above others. It will come against all the earth--upon all the proud nations--against every tall tower and fortress--against all the sea vessels that bear fine merchandise.

Proud men will bow down, and their pride will be made low, for only the Lord will be exalted in that day, and He will completely destroy their idols.

Many will go and hide in the cracks of the rocks and in caves because the fear of the Lord will come upon them. The glory of His majesty will smite them when He rises to terribly shake the earth. In that day, a man will throw gold and silver idols he's made for himself to the moles and bats.

Again, many will hide in the holes of the rocks and in the tops of the tagged rocks as the fear of the Lord comes upon them. The majesty of His glory will smite them when He comes to terribly shake the earth.

Oh descendants of Israel, stop doing things according to the ways of men, who forget they depend on the Lord for their every breath. For of what worth are the ways of men?

Isaiah's writings on latter-day turmoil...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 13)