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"Why did you do this? Why did you waste their goods and insult their dignity?
And because the women' of Zion are proud, walking with petite steps, chins in the air, eyes wandering and jewelry tinkling, I will smite them with baldness and expose them unadorned.”

In the very last days, the Lord will humble those who walk about smartly displaying their fine apparel--chains, bracelets, scarves, bonnets, leg ornaments, headbands, charms, earrings, rings and nose jewels. He will humble those who proudly wear their changeable suits of apparel, shawls, hair ornaments, fine linen, hoods and veils.

Then instead of smelling like perfume they will stink -- wearing rags instead of fine clothes -- being bald instead of having well set hair — being burned instead of being beautiful.

Your men will fall in battle, and Zion's daughters will mourn, sitting upon the ground, impoverished.

Under these circumstances, many women will take hold of one righteous man and say,

“We will support ourselves, just let us be called by your name to take away our shame (to have priesthood protection)."

Isaiah's writings on latter-day judgments & protection...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 14)

During this same time, the Lord's people will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be delightful to those who have escaped to Zion.

After the destruction, those who remain (the remnant) among the living in Zion and in Jerusalem will be called holy.

The Lord will wash away the sins of Zion's daughters and cleanse the bloodshed of Jerusalem by the spirit of judgment and burning. Over all of Zion, and over her solemn assemblies, the Lord will form a cloud of smoke by day and a shining fire by night.