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"The Lord of Hosts will remove from Jerusalem, and from Judah, their supplies of food and water. The Lord will also remove the mighty man, the man of war, the judge, the prophet, the prudent, and the older leaders. He will remove the captain of fifty, the statesman, the counselor, the cunning craftsman and the eloquent speaker.

The Lord of Hosts will make children their princes, for young people will rule over them. People will oppress one another. The young will treat their elders with disrespect, and those without honor will mistreat the virtuous.

Men will demand that a brother be their ruler, saying, "You have a robe. Be our ruler and don't let this ruin come upon us.”

But the brother will respond, "My house is also barren. I can't heal you, so don't try and make me a ruler of the people.”

Jerusalem and Judah will fall because their words and actions will be against the Lord, provoking Him before His very eyes. The look on their faces will give them away, revealing their sins to be like those of Sodom. Their souls will be cursed, for they will have chosen evil for themselves!

But tell the righteous that it will be well with them, for they will yet eat the fruit of their labors. The wicked will be cursed and perish, for the reward of their own hands will be upon them!

The Lord said,

"My people’s children oppress them and women rule over them. Oh my people, your leaders cause you to make mistakes and do away with your traditions.”

The Lord stands to plead before the Father and to judge the people. He will bring the elders and rulers of His people to trial, saying,

"You have taken the goods of my earth for yourselves, depriving the poor.”

The Lord God of Hosts will ask them,