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After this, so few oppressors will be left in the earth that a child could count them.

In these very last days, what remains of the house of Israel will no longer serve the Assyrian king in oppression. They will serve the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

These few survivors of Israel, even the remnant, will repent and return to their mighty God.

At first, only a few will return from the consumed parts of the lands. But at last, these remnants of Israel will become as numerous as the sands of the sea, overflowing the consumed lands. For the Lord God of Hosts will decree that all the wicked in the lands be consumed.

Because of this, the Lord God of Hosts says,

"Oh my people that live in Zion, do not be afraid of the Assyrian. He may beat you and oppress you for a little while, like Pharaoh once did against the Israelites in Egypt. But soon my anger will destroy him and your oppression will come to an end.”

For the Lord of Hosts will create a scourge for the Assyrian like the defeat of the Midianites at the rock of Oreb. For just as the Lord miraculously parted the Red Sea, He will raise His rod (His servant) against his oppressor.

Note: This will be a victorious servant in the Lord's hand.
See 2 Nephi 21:1, 10, Jeremiah 30:8-9, and D&C 103:15-16.

For in the very last days, the Assyrian's burdens will be taken off your shoulders and his yoke from off your necks, and this because of the servant's anointing.

But before that time, the Assyrian will come from the north to Aiath (an old Canaanite settlement). He will travel south, through Migron, stopping at Michmash (west of the Jordan valley).

Then he and his armies will march south, through the Michmash Gorge, stopping in Jeba. A few miles to their south, the people in er-