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Ram, afraid of his power, and those further south in Tell el-Ful, will run in terror.

Seeing what is coming, the daughters in Khirbet Kakul will mourn for those living near Jerusalem. They will cry out to their southern neighbors in Khirbet el-'Isawiyeh, "Oh, poor Anata (near Jerusalem)."

As the Assyrian continues south, Shu'fat will be destroyed and the inhabitants just north of Jerusalem will run for their lives.

The Assyrian will remain that day on the slopes of Mt. Scopus and will shake his hand against the Mount of Olives.

Through the Assyrian, the Lord of Hosts will cut off Jerusalem's government leaders with terror. Those in high positions will be cut down and the proud will be humbled.

The Lord will use iron to cut down the thickets of the forests--the most corrupt branches, and Lebanon will fall by a mighty one.

Isaiah writes of the Lord's servants (rod and branch)...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 21)

A rod (servant) of the Lord--a descendant of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, will come forth and be given much power. A 'branch will also grow from this same lineage of Jesse.

Note: The Lord's rod and branch explained in D&C 113:4-6.

The Lord's Spirit will rest upon this branch--the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might and knowledge.

Because he will fear the Lord, the Lord's Spirit will make him quick to understand truth and he will not judge merely by what he sees or hears.

This servant will judge the poor with righteousness. On behalf of the humble, he will judge fairly. He will command the earth, and at his command, the wicked will be destroyed. He will be covered with righteousness and faithfulness to the Lord.

Note: This mighty servant is mentioned in 2 Nephi 3:24 and D&C 103:15-16.