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After the wicked are killed, the world will live in peace. Wolves will live with sheep, wild cats will sleep by calves, and children will play among them. Bear cubs will also sleep next to calves, and lions will eat straw instead of hunting other animals. A baby will play near a snake's nest, and the young child will play near the cockatrice's den.

No one will hurt or destroy any living thing throughout all the Lord's holy nation, for as water fills the seas, so shall the knowledge of the Lord fill the earth.

In that great millennial day, this branch, descended from Jesse--the root of Jesse--will be a source of truth to the people of the earth. The Gentiles will seek his wisdom, and his rest will be glorious.

Just before that time, the Lord will set His hand (through His servant) a second time to recover the remnant of His people, whom the king of Assyria will have oppressed--the survivors on all continents.

The Lord will establish him as an ensign for all nations to come to. He will assemble the outcasts of Israel and the scattered Jews from all over the earth.

The descendants of Ephraim will no longer envy Judah (the Jews), whose enemies will be destroyed. In turn, the Jews will no longer