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"Lift your banner against the great nation. Sound the advance and give the signal to go in to their capital.
I, the Lord, have already commanded my sanctified ones to leave. I have called out my mighty ones from among the wicked because my anger is not upon those who rejoice in my highness.”

Then the Lord of Hosts will stir up many nations to gather in battle, and their noise will be tremendous.

They will come from a far country, from beyond the horizon, as the Lord's weapons of His indignation, to destroy the whole land. Cry out, for the day of the Lord is very near, that comes with destruction from the Almighty.

Because of this invasion, all will be faint and every man's heart will pound with fear. They will be filled with sorrow, amazed at the scope of the destruction, and their faces will burn from the heat of the blasts.

Watch for this day of the Lord, which will be cruel, both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate, for He will destroy the sinners from the face of it. Because of the darkness over the land, the stars, the moon and even the sun will not be visible.

The Lord says,

"I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sins, and cause the arrogance of the proud to end. So many will be destroyed, that a man will be as scarce as fine gold.
In my fierce anger, I, the Lord of Hosts, will shake the heavens, and the earth will be moved out of her orbit. Then, like a hunted deer or wandering lamb, every man will return to his own people, running back to his homeland.
All the proud and the wicked will die by the sword. Their children will be dashed to pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be spoiled and their wives ravished.