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I will stir up their enemies against them, who will not come for riches, but to kill. They will not spare young men, pregnant women, nor children.
Then Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans, will be like Sodom and Gomorrah when God overthrew it. It will never be lived in again from generation to generation. Nomads will not camp there nor shepherds herd their flocks there. Only wild beasts of the desert will live there.
The houses of Babylon will be full of owls, and idle, demonic creatures. The wild beasts of the islands will howl in their desolate houses and reptiles in their pleasant palaces. This time soon comes, for Babylon's days will not be extended.”

Babylon to be destroyed...
(compare 2 Nephi, chapter 24)

The Lord will have mercy on Israel, choosing them again and returning them to their own lands. Gentile converts will be adopted into the house of Israel, and they will bring the house of Israel to their place from the far ends of the earth, returning them to their lands of promise.

Israel's descendants will then rightfully possess these lands, capturing and ruling over their oppressors, who will become their servants and handmaids.

In those very last days, when the Lord delivers Israel's descendants from sorrow, fear and hard, forced labor, they will repeat this proverb against the king of Babylon, the Antichrist:

“Who has put an end to the oppressor and the golden city, Babylon? The Lord! He has broken the staff of the wicked and the scepters of the rulers. He who struck the people in wrath continually, who ruled the nations in anger, is now persecuted, and nobody will help him.

The whole earth is at rest and is quiet. Those remaining break into singing! The people of Joseph and Judah rejoice over your demise,