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saying, ‘Since you have been cut down, no one attacks us.’

Hell has made special arrangements for you, stirring up the dead--even all the wicked chiefs and kings--to meet you. These men will taunt you, saying, 'Have you become weak like us?’

Your glory is brought down to hell. Your music is no longer heard, and worms cover you.

How you have fallen from heaven as Lucifer, the son of the morning! You have been cut down to the ground, you who once weakened the nations!

This is your reward, because like Lucifer, you said in your heart, "I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the heights of the north. I will ascend higher than the clouds, becoming like the Most High."

Yet you, king of Babylon, will be brought down to hell--to the depths of the pit. Those who happen to see you will ask, ‘Is this the man that made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms? Is this the man who turned the world into a wilderness, who destroyed cities and took so many prisoners?’

All the kings of the nations lie in tombs among their kindred, but you are not given a grave. Your body is like the remains of those killed by the sword, thrown into a gravel pit after being trampled.

You will not even be buried with those slaughtered in battle because you have destroyed your land and have killed your people.

If his children were to survive, they would also be evil-doers. Therefore, prepare to destroy the children of the king of Babylon because of their father's sinfulness. Do not let them rise up again to possess the land or to fill the world with cities.

‘For I will rise up against them,’

says the Lord of Hosts, 'cutting off Babylon's name and descendants. I will destroy its people and turn it into a swamp, sweeping it with the