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I have written some of Isaiah's words on my small plates so my people in this generation, and in generations to come, will know that God's judgments will come upon all nations.

Because Isaiah's words are not plain, listen my people who are of the house of Israel, to what I have to say about them.

Isaiah's words are plain to those who are filled with the spirit of prophecy (the testimony of Jesus).

I will give you my plain prophecy, for my soul delights to teach in all plainness.

My soul delights in Isaiah's words because like Isaiah, I, too came from Jerusalem. I have seen the Jews’ methods of learning, and I know that by their methods they understand the prophets.

No other people understand the prophets the way the Jews do, unless they, too, have learned their methods.

I have not taught my children those methods, but I have told them about God's judgments, prophesied by Isaiah, that have come upon the Jews.

Now I will write my own prophecy plainly, so that everyone will understand:

When Isaiah's prophecies come to pass, all people will clearly know that his words have been fulfilled. If any of my people think that Isaiah's words are not great, I direct my prophecy to them.