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Isaiah's words will be of great worth to those who live in the last days because that is when the people will understand them. I include them for the good of those who will live in the last days.

Many generations of Jews have been destroyed at various times, but none were ever destroyed before the Lord's prophets warned them to repent of their wickedness.

Other prophets warned the Jews just after my father left Jerusalem, but they hardened their hearts.

I prophesy that the Jews have been destroyed, except for those who have been captured and taken to Babylon. I know these things because of the Spirit that is in me.
Even though the Jews have been captured, they will return again to possess Jerusalem and the lands of their inheritance.
But they will continue to have wars until the Only Begotten of the Father of heaven and earth is born and shows Himself to them in the flesh.
Even then, they will reject Him because of their iniquity, hard hearts and stubbornness.
They will crucify Him, but after three days, He will rise from the dead, and all who believe in His name will be saved in God's kingdom.