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I will tell my children, who will continue to engrave this record, only to include things of value--things that will persuade their children to come to Christ.

Laman and Lemuel rebel again...
(compare 1 Nephi, chapter 7)

After my father finished prophesying about his descendants who would live in the promised land, the Lord said to him,

"Your family must not go to the promised land before your sons obtain wives, so that they may raise up a righteous people therein."

The Lord commanded my father to tell me and my brothers to go back to Jerusalem again and bring Ishmael and his family back with us to join our journey. So my brothers and I went back to Jerusalem a second time.

Upon arriving we went to Ishmael's house, and he listened as we told him the words of the Lord. All of Ishmael's family agreed to travel with us to my father's camp in the wilderness.

But as we were all traveling, Laman and Lemuel rebelled again. They persuaded two of Ishmael's daughters and both of his sons, along with their wives and children, to rebel also. They rebelled against Sam and me, and against Ishmael, his wife and their three other daughters. Those who rebelled wanted to go back to Jerusalem.

I asked Laman and Lemuel, "How can you be so hard in your hearts, so blind in your minds? Why must I, your younger brother, always have to speak to you and set an example for you?