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After all you've seen, how can you rebel against the Lord's word? Have you forgotten you've seen an angel? Have you forgotten how the Lord delivered us from Laban, and how we obtained the brass plates from his treasury? Can't you see by now that the Lord can do anything for His children who have faith in Him?

Now let's be faithful to Him. If we are, we'll obtain the land of promise and escape the destruction of Jerusalem, for we know the Lord's word will be fulfilled.

The Spirit of the Lord will soon completely leave the people of Jerusalem because they rejected the prophets. They threw Jeremiah in prison and tried to kill our father, who had to leave the city with us. The Spirit of the Lord compels me to tell you this:

'Go back to Jerusalem if you wish. But remember, if you do, you'll soon die there!"

When I finished speaking my brothers were very angry. They grabbed me and tied my hands and feet, intending to leave me bound in the wilderness to be eaten by wild animals.

Lying on the ground tied I prayed, "Oh Lord, according to my faith in Thee, deliver me from the hands of my brothers. Give me the strength to break these ropes."

As I prayed, the ropes loosened and fell off my hands and feet. Then I stood up to speak to my brothers again.

Note: Nephi prayed for strength to break the ropes, but rather the ropes loosened themselves and fell off. This was a lesson to Nephi that the Lord will deliver us, not ourselves in our own strength.

They were still angry with me and wanted to take hold of me again, but one of Ishmael's sons who had rebelled, Ishmael's