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The Nephites, under the reign of their second king, started the wicked practice of desiring and indulging themselves with many wives and mistresses, like David of old and his son Solomon had done.

They also began to dig for great amounts of gold and silver, for they were beginning to become proud. So I, Jacob, having been called by God, taught them in the temple.

Nephi had consecrated my brother Joseph and I to be the people's priests and teachers.

We increased in our commitment to serve the Lord, feeling that we were responsible for the people's sins if we did not teach them God's word as diligently as we could.

We taught them with all our might so we would not have to answer for their sins.

Jacob calls his people to repentance...
(compare Jacob, chapter 2)

After Nephi died, I spoke these words to the Nephites:

My beloved brothers and sisters, I am responsible to God to fulfill my obligation to serve you so J will not have to answer for your sins. This is why I have come to give you God's words in the temple today.

You know I have taught you diligently. So far, this has not been a hard task. But today it is hard because I am weighed down more than ever with anxiety over the welfare of your souls.

Until now, you have obeyed the Lord's words I have given you. But listen to me, for by the help of the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth, I know your thoughts--how you are