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beginning to work in sin, which is very offensive to God, and to me.

It sorrows my soul and causes me to shrink with shame before the presence of my Maker, for I must testify to you about the wickedness of your hearts.

I'm also sorry that I must speak so boldly about you in front of your wives and children, for many of their feelings are very tender, chaste and delicate before God, which is pleasing to Him. They have come to hear the pleasing word of God--the word that heals the wounded soul.

My soul is burdened because I am compelled by a strict command from God to admonish you for your crimes, and enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing them.

And those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God, they will have their souls pierced and delicate minds wounded.

But as hard as this, I must obey God's strict command and tell you about your wickedness in the presence of their pure and broken hearts, and do it under the gaze of the Almighty God's piercing eyes.

I must tell you the truth according to God's plain word. For as I was praying, His word came to me,

“Jacob, go to the temple tomorrow and tell your people the words that I will give you.”

Now my brothers and sisters, these are the words:

Many of you have begun to search for