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descendants, by comparing them to a tame olive-tree, will surely come to pass!

When the Lord again sets His hand, sending His powerful servant, like Moses, to deliver His people, it will be the last time that powerful servants will preach and destroy throughout the world.

Note: powerful servants referred to in 2 Nephi 6:14-15 and D&C 103:15-18.

Soon after this, the end will come. How blessed are those who will labor diligently in His earth, and how cursed are those who will be cast out into their own place before the world is celestialized with fire.

Note: compare D&C 43:23-33.

How merciful is our God, who will remember Israel's descendants, both their spiritual roots and their governing branches. He extends His arms to them continually, but they are stubborn, contentious and will not come to Him.

However, those who do not harden their hearts will be saved in His kingdom.

Because of this, my beloved brothers and sisters, I call upon you to repent and sincerely come to God with all your hearts, holding onto Him as He holds you.

While His arms of mercy are extended toward you in the light of the day, do not harden your hearts. If you want to hear His voice today, then do not harden your hearts against Him and die spiritually.

After being nourished by God's good word for so long, will you openly rebel, only to be cut down and thrown into the fire?