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Will you reject the words of so many prophets who have spoken about Christ?
Will you deny His power and the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Will you drive off the Holy Spirit, mocking the great plan of redemption that has been laid before you?

Don't you know if you do these things, then the power of the redemption and the resurrection, which is in Christ, will bring you to stand with shame and awful guilt before God?

Then, according to the power of the justice of God's word, which cannot be denied, you must go away from Him into that fire that separates the wicked from the righteous. Into those flames and smoke that go up forever.

Knowing this reality, repent and enter at the straight gate. Then stay on the narrow path, holding onto God's word until you obtain eternal life.

Oh be wise! What more can I say?

Farewell, until I meet you again before the pleasing bar of God, which bar strikes the wicked with awful dread and fear. Amen.”

Jacob meets with Sherem...
(compare Jacob, chapter 7)

After some years had passed, a man named Sherem came among the Nephites. He began to preach that there would be no Christ. He preached many flattering things in order to overthrow Christ's doctrine. He worked hard and led many hearts away.