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He knew that I, Jacob, had faith in Christ, who would come, so he tried many times to speak to me. Sherem was a well educated man, and he had a perfect knowledge of the people's language.

He was a very flattering and powerful speaker, having power from the devil. He was hoping to shake me from the faith in spite of the many revelations and things that I had seen, for I truly had seen angels who had spoken to me. I had also heard the Lord's voice speak to me from time to time, so I could not be shaken.

When Sherem finally got his chance to speak to me, he said,

"Brother Jacob, I have been looking forward to meeting you for some time now, for I have heard, and also know, that you preach what you call 'the gospel’ or 'the doctrine of Christ.’

You have led many people to change the ways of God and not keep the law of Moses, which is the right way.

You are attempting to convert the law of Moses into the worship of a being whom you say will come many hundreds of years from now.

I, Sherem, declare to you that this is blasphemy, for no one knows such things--no one can see the future."

Then the Lord God poured His Spirit into my soul, enabling me to confound Sherem in all his words. I said to him, "Do you deny Christ, who will come?”

He answered, "If there were a Christ, I would not deny Him, but I know there is not a Christ. There never has been nor will there ever be one.”