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While I was struggling in the spirit, the Lord's voice came into my mind again, saying,

"I will visit your brethren (the Nephites) according to how well they keep my commandments. I have given them this holy land and will only curse it because of iniquity.
Therefore, I will visit your brethren as I said I would, but I will bring down their sins upon their own heads, and they will be sorry.”

After hearing this, my faith in the Lord became so strong that it could not be shaken. I prayed very hard to Him, struggling for my brethren, the Lamanites.

After I had prayed diligently, the Lord said to me,

"I will grant your desires because of your faith.”

And this is what I, Enos, had asked the Lord to do:

"If my people, the Nephites, ever fall into sin and are destroyed, and the Lamanites survive, will Thou, oh Lord God, by the power of Thy holy arm, save a record of my people, the Nephites, so that it will come to the Lamanites in some future day--so that they, too will be brought to salvation?"

I asked the Lord to do this, knowing that He alone could do it, for our preaching to the Lamanites and attempts to restore them to the true faith had been useless. In their anger, the Lamanites had sworn to destroy us along with our fathers' traditions and records.

Knowing that the Lord God could preserve our records, I cried to Him without stopping, for He had said to me,

“Whatever you ask, in the name of Christ, believing that you will receive, will be granted.”

I had faith and prayed to God to preserve