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the records, and He covenanted with me that He would bring our records (The complete Book of Mormon) to the Lamanites in His own due time.

I knew that it would be done according to the covenant that He had made, so my soul was at peace.

The Lord said to me,

"Your fathers (Jacob & Lehi) also required me to save their records and bring them forth in the future.
This will be done for them as well, according to their faith. Their faith was strong like yours, Enos.”

After having this experience, I went out and prophesied of the future among the Nephites, testifying of things I had seen and heard.

Upon these plates I now testify that we, the people of Nephi, tried very hard to restore the Lamanites to the true faith in God, but our labors were in vain. The Lamanites' hatred was fixed, and they were led by their evil nature.