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craftsmen, who have worked with wood, and who have built fine buildings and machinery.

Others are skilled in metalwork, using copper, brass and steel to make all types of farming tools and weapons. Our fine tools and weapons have kept the Lamanites from prevailing against us. The Lord's word has been verified that He spoke to our forefathers:

“As you keep my commandments, you will prosper in the land.”

Our prophets have threatened the Nephites according to God's word, telling them that if they did not keep the commandments and fell into transgression, they would be destroyed off the face of the land.

Because of this great warning from the Lord, the prophets, priests and teachers work hard, patiently preaching to their people, the Nephites.

They teach them the law of Moses, that it was given to persuade us to look forward to the Messiah, and to believe in Him as if He had already come. These righteous men keep us, the Nephites, from being swept off the land of promise by constantly urging us to repent.

By the year 362 BC, for most of the time since Lehi had arrived in the promised land, there has been warfare between the us and the Lamanites.

I, Jarom, finish my writing because there is not much room left to engrave on these small plates.

Refer to Nephi's larger plates to find a record of our wars, as the Nephite kings have written, or have ordered to be written. I now give these plates to my son Omni, to keep according to my fathers’ command.