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The plates are passed on...
(compare Book of Omni)

My father, Jarom, commanded me, Omni, to continue writing our genealogy on these small plates of Nephi.

Most of my life has been spent as a warrior, defending my people against the Lamanites. But I myself am a wicked man and have not kept the Lord's statutes and commandments as I should have.

By the year 324 BC, we had gone through many periods of war and peace.

It is now 318 BC, and I have guarded these plates forty-four years. I now give them to my son Amaron.

Now I, Amaron, write a few things in my father's book.

By 280 BC, most of the wicked Nephites had been destroyed by the Lamanites. After saving Lehi's family from their enemies in Jerusalem, the Lord verified His warning to Lehi's posterity:

“If you do not keep my commandments, you will not prosper in the land.”

This is why the Lord has already visited the wicked Nephites with great judgments. But He has spared the righteous from being killed by their enemies.

I will now give these plates to my brother Chemish.

Now I, Chemish, write a few things in this same book in which my brother Amaron wrote. I saw him engrave his entry on these plates the same day he gave them to me. Our fathers have been commanded to keep this record in this way.

Now I give these plates to my son.

I, Abinadom, am Chemish's son. I have seen many wars between my people, the Nephites, and the Lamanites, in which I have killed