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corrupted, and Mosiah could not understand their speech. They had also lost the knowledge of their Creator. And so Mosiah had his language taught to them.

After they learned the language, their leader, Zarahemla, recited his genealogy from memory. This genealogy is not written here, but on other plates (not translated).

The people of Zarahemla and the people of Mosiah united, and Mosiah was appointed to be their king.

During his reign, a large engraved stone was brought to Mosiah, and he interpreted the engravings by the gift and power of God.

The engravings were the history of a man named Coriantumr, and of his people who had all been killed. The first people of Zarahemla had found Coriantumr, who had lived with them for nine lunar months.

The engravings on the stone also told of Coriantumr's forefathers--how they had come from the tower of Babel when the Lord confused their language. They told of the Lord's severe yet fair judgments that had come upon Coriantumr's people, and that their bones were scattered on the ground in the northern land.

I, Amaleki, was born in the days of Mosiah. He has since passed away, and now his son Benjamin reigns here in Zarahemla.

During King Benjamin's reign, I have seen a serious war and great bloodshed between the Nephites and the Lamanites. But the