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Nephites under King Benjamin have driven the Lamanites out of the land of Zarahemla.

I am old now and have no children. Since I know King Benjamin is a just man before the Lord, I will soon give him these plates.

The messages on these plates invite all to come to God, the Holy One of Israel, and to believe in...

...ministering of angels
...the gift of speaking in tongues
...the understanding of languages
...all good things

For good comes from the Lord and evil from the devil.

My beloved brothers and sisters, I invite you to come to Christ, the Holy One of Israel, and to partake of His salvation. Allow His power to redeem you.

Come to Him and offer your whole soul to Him, continuing to fast, pray, and to stay righteous throughout your lives. If you do this, then as the Lord lives, you will be saved.

Now I will tell you about a large number of Nephites who left Zarahemla and went through the wilderness on a quest to return to the land of Nephi (the place from which our fathers had come with Mosiah). They believed the land of Nephi was rightfully theirs as an inheritance.

Their leader was a physically strong man. He was also very stubborn, and this caused fighting to break out among those making the quest. Only fifty of his men survived this fighting in the wilderness, and they returned to the land of Zarahemla.