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For the Lamb of God said,

‘That great pit, dug by the great, abominable church, founded by the devil and his children, and dug with the intent to destroy all people, will be filled by those who dug it as they are completely destroyed in the flesh.
Their spirits will not be destroyed, but will be thrown into an endless hell. For the devil's captivity is also God's justice upon all who hear His word, yet choose wickedness.”

The angel then said, "Nephi, you know of the Lord's covenants' that He made with the house of Israel--that those who do not repent will perish, and you realize that if the Gentiles repent, it will be well with them.

But great judgments will come upon the Gentiles if they reject the gospel and harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, for He says,

'The time will come when I will work a great, marvelous and everlasting work among the children of men--a work that will either convince people to seek for peace and eternal life, or a work that because of their pride, will allow the devil to justly capture them—to destroy them temporally and spiritually.’”

The angel then asked, "Do you remember the covenants the Lord made with the house of Israel?”

"Yes," I replied.

"Then look and see the great, abominable church--the mother of wickedness.

There are only two churches: