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1) The church of the Lamb of God
2) The church of the devil

Anyone who does not belong to the church of the Lamb of God belongs to the church of the devil--that great church, the mother of all abominations, even the whore of all the earth."

I, Nephi, saw the devil's church. It dominated all nations, kindreds, tongues and people of the earth.

I also saw God's saints, who made up the church of the Lamb of God, spread over all the earth. Their numbers were few because of the wickedness of the devil's church.

Then I saw the devil's church gather multitudes in all the Gentile nations to fight against the Lamb of God.

I saw the power of the Lamb come down upon the saints of His church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), and also upon the Lord's covenant people (Lamanites, Jews and other tribes) who had been scattered all over the earth but were now gathering.

They were all armed with righteousness and with God's power in great glory!

Then God's anger was poured out upon that great, abominable church, and there were wars in every nation on earth.

When the wars first broke out among the Gentile nations, the angel said, "God's anger is upon the mother of harlots--the great, abominable church--the mother of abominations.

In the last days, when this vision comes to pass--when wars begin among all Gentile nations, then the Father's work will begin, preparing the way to fulfill the covenants He made with the house of Israel."